
Tailor Your CV to Each Application

Tailor Your CV to Each Application Let’s face it, many of us fall into the common trap of putting together a generic Curriculum Vitae and then attaching that same CV to many job applications. Although you may well be applying for the same job role with the same job title, no two roles will ever […]

Recruiting Millennials

Millennials is a word that we are hearing more and more of today. Millennials are the generation of people born between the years of 1980 and 2000. This group called the Millennials are the new generation of people that have reached or are now reaching a certain age to start being able to make a difference in the […]

How to Have a Holiday Without Working

Holiday season has finally arrived and no matter what our working title may be we all seem to be faced with a similar issue; work interruptions both out of hours as well as on holiday. It seems as though the typical 9am – 5.30pm working day seems to be a thing of the past and customers […]

Questions NOT to Ask in a Job Interview

Job Interviews can be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences in your life. At Debbie Burbage Recruitment we have previously covered the questions to expect on your job interview along with preparing for your interview with questions you should ask the interviewer. Towards the end of most job interviews, the interviewer will hand over the interview to […]

Feel Motivated with Debbie Burbage

If you struggle to get out of bed on a Monday morning and feel demotivated towards your working day ahead, then there are a few simple activities you can do in the morning to help you gain some motivation to see you through each working day of the week. Follow these simple tips and see […]