Group interviews are quite common today. This is because it is more cost effective for the employer than several one to one interviews. A group interview is also a great way for an employer to see how well you work both independently and as a team. There is pressure for each candidate as challenges are put in place so this is a good way for the company to see how well you work under pressure.
With a group interview it is important to stand out amongst the rest as a strong candidate but it is also important to show that you can work together as a team. Getting the balance just right can help show your independence and your strengths in teamwork.
As with any type of interview it is vital that you prepare prior to the group interview. Research into the company and the job role you are interviewing for. If you haven’t experienced a group interview before then perhaps research into what you might expect to experience and the tasks you might have to take. Group interviews can differ depending on the job role, however most group interviews are about you working as a team in undertaking various tasks and that is something you need to focus on.
Confidence is such an important tool to have with a group interview. As it is largely abut teamwork don’t shy away and let others take over with the decision making. Make sure that you are confident enough to voice your opinions. Again you need the right balance, you want to come across as being confident but you don’t want to look as though you are taking over so take into account the views from other team members.
Team Player
Alongside being confident you want to be a good team player. It is important that you work well with others and do not come across as being arrogant in anyway. Build a positive rapport with others. A good time to do this is prior to the interview, introduce yourself to other candidates you are going to be interviewing with. Work well as a team and if you spot someone being quiet or shy then try and involve them within the group. If you are completing a group task then don’t be stubborn in thinking that your decision is the right decision, make sure the majority of the team agree with your views before putting them into action and take other views into consideration.
As important as it is to work together as a team in a group interview, remember that you are also being assessed individually. You want to stand out above the rest as being able to think for yourself and not just agree with everyone else in the group. Having a voice and thinking outside of the box is a great way to show that you are unique and can also work alone as well as in a group.
Stand Out
Remember that this may be a group interview but the overall reason for you being there is because you want that job and at the end of the day you are in competition with the rest of the candidates there for the group interview. You want to come across as being friendly and working well as a team but you also want to stand out. Be confident enough to voice your opinions and take a leadership role if the opportunity is there to take. This will get you noticed by the company.
Follow Up
It is so important that you follow up any interview whether it is a one to one interview or a group interview within 24 hours of your interview. A phone call is the best way as it is that bit more personal than an email. There are even bigger benefits to you if you do this straight away as it is a reminder to the employer of who you are and it makes you look really eager to get the job. This is a great way to show your confidence and your strengths to the company and is also a way of thanking them for meeting with you and letting you take part in the group interview.

Group interviews are quite common today. This is because it is more cost effective for the employer than several one to one interviews. A group interview is also a great way for an employer to see how well you work both independently and as a team. There is pressure for each candidate as challenges are put in place so this is a good way for the company to see how well you work under pressure.
With a group interview it is important to stand out amongst the rest as a strong candidate but it is also important to show that you can work together as a team. Getting the balance just right can help show your independence and your strengths in teamwork.
As with any type of interview it is vital that you prepare prior to the group interview. Research into the company and the job role you are interviewing for. If you haven’t experienced a group interview before then perhaps research into what you might expect to experience and the tasks you might have to take. Group interviews can differ depending on the job role, however most group interviews are about you working as a team in undertaking various tasks and that is something you need to focus on.
Confidence is such an important tool to have with a group interview. As it is largely abut teamwork don’t shy away and let others take over with the decision making. Make sure that you are confident enough to voice your opinions. Again you need the right balance, you want to come across as being confident but you don’t want to look as though you are taking over so take into account the views from other team members.
Team Player
Alongside being confident you want to be a good team player. It is important that you work well with others and do not come across as being arrogant in anyway. Build a positive rapport with others. A good time to do this is prior to the interview, introduce yourself to other candidates you are going to be interviewing with. Work well as a team and if you spot someone being quiet or shy then try and involve them within the group. If you are completing a group task then don’t be stubborn in thinking that your decision is the right decision, make sure the majority of the team agree with your views before putting them into action and take other views into consideration.
As important as it is to work together as a team in a group interview, remember that you are also being assessed individually. You want to stand out above the rest as being able to think for yourself and not just agree with everyone else in the group. Having a voice and thinking outside of the box is a great way to show that you are unique and can also work alone as well as in a group.
Stand Out
Remember that this may be a group interview but the overall reason for you being there is because you want that job and at the end of the day you are in competition with the rest of the candidates there for the group interview. You want to come across as being friendly and working well as a team but you also want to stand out. Be confident enough to voice your opinions and take a leadership role if the opportunity is there to take. This will get you noticed by the company.
Follow Up
It is so important that you follow up any interview whether it is a one to one interview or a group interview within 24 hours of your interview. A phone call is the best way as it is that bit more personal than an email. There are even bigger benefits to you if you do this straight away as it is a reminder to the employer of who you are and it makes you look really eager to get the job. This is a great way to show your confidence and your strengths to the company and is also a way of thanking them for meeting with you and letting you take part in the group interview.