Applying For Your Next Job Over Christmas
If you are lucky enough to get a long break over Christmas, from the busy life of work, then why not use this time to find the perfect job for the New Year. After all the New Year is about starting afresh so why not start with a new job, whether you want a new […]
Debbie Burbage’s Guide to Networking
Networking can be very important when searching for a job and also when you are trying to progress in your current employment. Networking can help in your profession as you will become well-known to possible employers and can help you further your career and increase your chances of getting a job. At Debbie Burbage we have […]
Job Searching With Social Media
As technology has evolved over the years so has the way we live. Social Media has become a strong presence today and it is not just used for personal use it is also used largely by businesses who want to promote products and services. Businesses and recruiters also use social media as a way of […]