Recruiting Millennials
Millennials is a word that we are hearing more and more of today. Millennials are the generation of people born between the years of 1980 and 2000. This group called the Millennials are the new generation of people that have reached or are now reaching a certain age to start being able to make a difference in the […]

Where to Draw the Line in a Job Interview
In a job interview you will be faced with quite a few personal questions, questions which you must answer in the utmost professional manner. This means that you answer each question as best as you can and don’t go into too much detail. Most questions you are asked in a job interview will be for the […]

Questions NOT to Ask in a Job Interview
Job Interviews can be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences in your life. At Debbie Burbage Recruitment we have previously covered the questions to expect on your job interview along with preparing for your interview with questions you should ask the interviewer. Towards the end of most job interviews, the interviewer will hand over the interview to […]

Debbie Burbage Recruitment Interview Tips
1. Research The Company If you are eager to get a new job and have sent your CV off to many different companies and job applications it can be difficult to keep up with the jobs you have applied for. If you receive a response to your job application and have been asked to attend an interview you […]

Questions To Expect On Your Job Interview
The more interviews you experience in your life, the more you will become used to the questions you will be asked. Overall most interviews consist of very similar questions to cover various topics to get an overall idea about yourself as a candidate. In a job interview the aim is to get to know you in a very short space […]

Make Yourself Stand Out in a Job Interview
Once you finish school, college or university and you have finished all of your exams. You think all of your worrying is over, no more nerve wrecking timed exams, lengthy coursework or worrying presentations. Don’t be fooled as it is not over yet. Job interviews can be one of the most nervous experiences in life […]

Overcoming Interview Nerves
To some people the interview is a “nerve wracking” experience and the body can act in a way that feels unnatural and “not normal” with our bodies and our mouths seemingly operating independently and not sounding like “you” at all. To stop nerves getting the better of you, here are some tips to help you […]