Debbie Burbage Tips

Changing Your Career Path

Your career is one of the biggest parts of your life, who you are and who you could become. There are some that are in a job just because it pays the bills, these are the ones that work to live. Then there are others that live to work. For these people their job is what keeps […]

Climbing the Career Ladder in 2016

The Career Ladder Climbing the career ladder can be one of the most difficult things to do, but once we get higher up the ladder it can be one of the best feelings ever. Successfully climbing the career ladder means we have made the achievements we have wanted to and it can be very rewarding both […]

A New Year, A New Job!

It is that time of year again where we look at the year ahead and we come up with our New Year’s Resolutions so that we can plan what we want to achieve throughout the year. At Debbie Burbage Recruitment we have put together a few hints and tips for you to meet your New Year’s […]

How Technology Has Changed Job Applications

Over the years as technology has advanced we have also noticed the change in the way people search and apply for jobs. The days of writing a CV and posting it to several different companies, in the hope of an acceptance, is now a thing of the past. Everything is now online, so unfortunately those […]

Debbie Burbage’s Guide to Networking

Networking can be very important when searching for a job and also when you are trying to progress in your current employment. Networking can help in your profession as you will become well-known to possible employers and can help you further your career and increase your chances of getting a job. At Debbie Burbage we have […]

A Guide To Switching Off From Work

Today’s world has become so technically advanced that we find it almost impossible to turn off our smart phones and tablets. We always want to check the latest social media news, post an update on our Facebook page or retweet something interesting on Twitter. Because we spend so much time glued to our smart phones we […]